Free Thea

As you might already know from our ticker, Thea (they, them) was taken to remand. The police assumes to recognize them. The accusation is “tätlicher Angriff auf Vollstreckungsbeamte und Körperverletzung” (physical harm to a police officer and bodily harm) in context of Lützerath. Momentarily Thea is in the JVA Saarbrücken. They will soon be taken to Mönchengladbach.

You can donate to Thea or send them letters
We organize the money for Thea from our forest account:
Name: “Spenden&Aktionen”
IBAN: “DE29 5139 0000 0092 8818 06”
Subject: “Barriohanni” (absolutely needed)

Letters are momentarily delivered through Mönchengladbach, so it takes a lot of time. Please put a stamp and a envelope for an answer in your letter. It make sense to write this on the envelope:

Reservation of proprietary rights:                                                                 
„This letter remains the property of the sender until it has been personally handed over to the captive person. “To take possession” is not considered personal delivery in the sense of the reservation. If any part of the letter is not handed over, this part and only this part shall be returned to the sender, stating the reasons for not handing it over. The rest shall be handed over.”

Unbekannt in Zelle 208 U-Haft alias Thea,
JVA Saarbrücken
Lerchesflurweg 37
66119 Saarbrücken