
We will endeavor to keep this post as up-to-date as possible and will always write when the post was last updated. Feel free to ask about the current situation at +49 15510814220. If you have any special needs or comments, please let us know – we will try to implement them.

Current status: 17.09.2024

The following is an attempt to provide a rough overview of the expected barriers:


Take path 2. There are no stairs from the bus station to occupation. At the entrance of the forest the path gets a bit bad and steep, but with help it should be possible to come with wheelchair. In the Forest there are paths which can get slushy with rain. At the moment there is no wheelchair accessible treehouse, we will try to make the kitchen wheelchair accessible.
We still think about, how we can arrange an orientation for people with visual impairments.

Sign language:

There is no person in the occupation right now, who know sign language. We can communicate in written words.

Quiet places / Noises:

You hear the road, a construction site during the day. Maybe you need a quiet, distraction-free place in between. Others will understand and try to give you the space and time to do this. You can also ask a friend or ally to go for a walk in the forest. Unfortunately, we cannot yet promise that we can create a place where you can find peace and quiet undisturbed.

Allergies / intolerances:

We are in a mixed forest with a lot of beeches. If you cannot tolerate certain foods, please let the people cooking know or write it on the allergy/intolerance list. We do our best to pay attention to this, but unfortunately it is difficult or impossible to avoid traces. If you want to make sure that there is suitable food in the forest, please ask at the contact above.

Climbing / fear of heights

There is a ladder accesible treehouse, it is also possible to climb on the ladder and be secured to a rope. The ladder treehouse is about 4,5 meters high, there are also climbing treehouses in similar height. It is possible to sleep secured to a rope in the treehouses. The treehouses do not have walls yet.

Kitchen, etc. will be accessible by ladder. If you can’t climb yet, you can learn on site! But you can also do all sorts of things without being able to or wanting to climb!

Police: There are cops at different entrances in the forest. People sometimes get asked to ID or searched, even though we are a political assembly.

If you are being controlled by cops on your way to us, or the cops do anything else, let them give you the “polizeiliche Verfahrensnummer” (some number) and a protocol. We are seen as a political assembly, so assembly law is also valid for journey (which states, that cops are not allowed to controll you). These two things are important for you and us, so it is possible to charge the cops for it or defend you in any other way.

Sometimes cops enter the barrio. Our assembly is also under surveillance by the authorities.