49.25973893952819, 7.049574851989747
Take the bus till Stuhlsatzenhaus (101 102 136 138 150 N2 163). From there you can take 2 different ways:
1. Way: (carefull, there are cameras at the university)
There, it depends on the busline, you are either already in the road Stuhlsatzenhaus or you can turn into it. On the right handside there is a build building and one in process, on the left handside there is a bit of wood (and a small chopped clearing) and behind also buildings. You go past construction site the and turn left. Then go straight to the forests. Take the a small path which leads in the wood. We look forward to see you.
2. Way
With the train you can either go to Saarbrücken-Scheidt (2,2km) or Saarbrücken-Dudweiler (3,5km). Then follow the maps (the last part of the route is the same as with the bus).
Saarbrücken-Scheidt (2,2km)
Saarbrücken-Dudweiler (3,5km)
Take the L252 till the exit in direction Dudweiler/Scheidt/Universität-Ost. Then go on L251 in direction Scheidt. Turn left to Stuhlsatzenhaus.
You can try to take the exit in direction Dudweiler/Scheidt/Universität-Ost of the L252 (next exit, maybe 100m away), the exit Saarbrücken-Dudweiler of the A623 (4,6km) or the A6 till St. Ingbert West (4,9km).
We look forward to see you 🙂