
Legal Informations:

On your way to the occupation:

If you are being controlled by cops on your way to us, or the cops do anything else, let them give you the “polizeiliche Verfahrensnummer” (some number) and a protocol. We are seen as a political assembly, so assembly law is also valid for journey (which states, that cops are not allowed to controll you). These two things are important for you and us, so it is possible to charge the cops for it or defend you in any other way.

There exists a general right to access forests, which is to say you can enter the forest at anytime. But do take care, as the police doesn’t consistently keep to its laws. If the cops attempt to bar you from the forest or throw up a fuss in any other way, please call our legal team [EA, Ermittlungsausschuss]. Their phone number is +49 30 92109146.

In case of eviction:

EA: (Legal Team) +49 30 92109146

In the possible scenario of an eviction, the cops will first demand you leave the forest “voluntarily”. Should you meet this request, they are obliged to let you go without consequences. If you don’t, they may try charging you with various misdemeanors [Ordnungswidrigkeit, OW], or more rarely a felony. When you experience police repression or at a later date receive letters by post from police, state prosecutors, or courts, feel free to report to

The state of Saarland doesn’t have its own political assembly law, and thus federal laws prevail. The following Reader was written for Brandenburg. As Brandenburg is in the same position where demonstrations are legislated by the same federal laws, this reader should be lagely applicable in the Saarland.